2024 Review
Haven’t been posting yearly reviews for a while, mainly due to laziness. But I’ve been busy working, 2023 and 2024 I have dedicated most of my time acquiring the private pilot license and getting myself more organized. Here are the review items for year 2024 and hope I can have way more stuff to write about for 2025 Achievements 成就 PPL Licensed ✈️ First rental property in Japan! Caught up on reading more books Started my own game studio! Stop Doing 停止做的事情 Impulse buying anime...
Private Pilot License Study Plan 1
As I approach closer and closer to the flight test for my PPL (Private Pilot License). I want to write a short summary of what I did and how I planned my PPL. Working on PPL is not for the faint hearted, and your mileage may vary. I don’t think I am very exceptional at flying since it did took me to 30hr flight time to even get my first solo. But this is aimed to give you a big picture on a “average” plan for PPL PreparationTo prepare, I ordered all the required book and tools for study...
Sega Nu Preservation
Recently I’ve been asked by many people about how to preserve their SEGA Nu/Alls console, and I want to take this chance to leave some instructions so people can attempt before reaching out and waiting for me slowly reply them 🥹. As we all know, the SEGA Nu or Alls are protected by Bitlocker with TPM + Recovery Key. Since there is a risk of system configuration change that triggers Bitlocker recovery, many of you (including myself) want a way to crack Bitlocker first and ensure in the...
Alchitry Cu Review
Around the time of the pandemic, or even before, I acquired a couple FPGA board with the intend to learn more about FPGA programming. The Alchitry Au is a development board based on the Xilinx Artix 7. At that stage, I wasn’t really into doing coding in the Xilinx toolchain since its big and not open source. The Alchitry Cu is a lower powered board based on the Lattice iCE40, even lattice offers their own toolset called iCECube, there are open source alternatives. (yosys, nextpnr,...
在家工作了已经快两年了,从2020年三月份开始在家工作的时候吃饭就是一个问题。因为每天不用去公司,加上运动量减少,如果不好好控制饮食,身体久了就会吃不消。在之前我有在减肥,但是自从在家工作体重就很难控制,我从19年年底的150斤慢慢的涨到了175斤。在家工作主要有以下几个麻烦: 时间有限 选择食谱困难 增加额外工作量 我之前有考虑过几种可以简单解决吃饭问题,但是最后因为种种原因没有坚持下去。 每周制定食谱,周日购物准备(每餐准备时间 10分钟, 周日准备1-2小时) 好处 种类选择很多 简单 准备时间短 坏处 周日工作量很大 准备好的蔬菜在周末会变不新鲜 并没有减少洗碗的工作量 每周指定一种,周一中午制作一周的分量(每餐准备时间 2-5 分钟,...
神秘的游戏机 (part 1)
2021年的生日我收到了一个有趣的礼物,当时女朋友瞒着我说给我买了一个很好玩的游戏机。我的第一反应除了当时谁都买不到的PS5就是之前我有给她看过的我还没有收集到的游戏机: Sega Saturn Neo Geo Color Sega Gamegear Nintendo...
2021 Review
Thinking last year I was hoping the pandemic will end this year, well it didn’t. Delta variant and now the Omicron variant has been sweeping through the globe. The pandemic control here at BC is close to none existent, we’ve seen cases jump from 400 to 2,000 but people still go about their daily lives.Things has been stressful at EA so I made a decision to leave, was able to make my own luck getting an offer at Microsoft. Achievements 成就 Reached 100K saved and invested Got in...
Beef stock recipe
Its Christmas time again in the year, a lot people are preparing Christmas roast or some wonderful dinner with their families. I now have a wonderful beef stock recipe that should be perfect for anyone want to use as a base for a wonderfule Au jus or a soup. 牛肉高汤在很多圣诞节时期吃的菜都会用到,平时我会去超市直接买包装好的牛肉高汤,但是一直都觉得味道不好,有的比较咸,有的有一些怪味。今天我分享一个我发现的不错的牛肉高汤的做法,做完的高汤可以做成酱料或者是汤,用处还是蛮多的。 Ingredients 原料 Beef bone (neck, leg) 牛骨 Beef scraps or trimmings (preferred with fat) 牛肉边角料,如果有肥肉最好 Tomato paste...
Hardening the USB Armory (part 2)
Earlier we talked about trying to hardening the USB Armory, but given all the information I have found online, I need to figure out some custom way of generating the image so the secure environment can be easily reproduced. Custom Kernel + initramfs (for pre-boot LUKS unlock) Seperate /boot partition (unencrypted but signed to unlock the rootfs) Makefile to create multi-partition images Makefile to create LUKS images Signed bootloader with the image Step 1. InitramfsThis is the...
Using Bitwarden as password manager
When I was in high school and starting to know about the danger of password being stolen, I started to change my password every 6 month. It got really crazy as I started to get more and more online accounts. During that time I have no list of all the online accounts and I often forget one of the account and I ended up forgot which pass password that account is using. The I realized using the same password for everything is not a good idea, also there are asshole websites that only allow you...