
Hello, I am r1cebank. I am a passionate software developer who always seek advertures in the world of computing. I also love food (eating and cooking) and photography. I love to cook as much as coding. So stick around and you might just able to find some cool stuff around here.

As a software engineer I have used a number of technologies before rainging from C++ to Node.js, here is a list if you are interested :D

  • C++
  • Javascript (Node.js)
  • Rust
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • Python

But recently I’ve been working very closely with Rust, it is my favorite languages now.

Other than work, I also love to work on side project, using technologies like Docker, React Native and Python with ML, you know, stuff I don’t get to work on during my day job. So if you have any interesting ideas, feel free to drop my an email. Maybe we will be building the next big thing together.

Hey, I also love Hatsune Miku, if you are also a fan. I am sure we can be friends. 🙌


  • 米炭(r1cebank),一个被程序耽误的厨子,梦想是可以开一个自己的小餐馆
  • 虽然大半辈子都在国外生活,但是很想找一天回国发展
  • 虽然是计算机图形与视觉毕业,但是每天的工作却和游戏没有任何关系
  • 虽然在AAA游戏公司工作过,却从来没有碰过游戏开发🤣
  • 喜欢把每年,每月,每周,每天的计划的很清楚,每天的日程精确到分


大学毕业之后就从美国搬到加拿大的我,浪费了一大部分时间重新建立在温哥华的人脉,在起步公司工作过也在中型公司工作过。在2020之前最喜欢用的语言是Javascript,主要做Node.js 开发。自己还有的时候去Node.js的开源项目贡献代码(虽然只有两次)。



特别喜欢做饭,自己最擅长的就是西餐,日料,最近还在学习中餐 (大学做过兼职厨子),最近因为减肥几乎自己不做任何美食了。(水煮一切)游戏爱好者,拥有从NES-PS5所有主流主机,掌机。家里的游戏卡,游戏CD一大堆,但是很多时候都是在玩模拟器。😂 喜欢看书,最近刚完成2021年读完12本书的计划。特别喜欢弹钢琴(虽然自己弹得很烂),曾经因为梦到自己的钢琴被卖掉吓醒过。

我还是初音未来(初音ミク) 的铁粉,如果你也是葱葱人,我们一定会是朋友。

Welcome to my blog, this is where I record learnings and write about random stuff. Enjoy ❤️